About Our Congregation

About Our Congregation

The church here at Sumner wants to be just like God’s original church established in the book of Acts.  God instructs His people in the New Testament on the best way to function as His church. By faith, we follow His instructions, which brings more blessings than we could ever imagine or request. When worshiping with us, you will see the five acts of worship found in the book of Acts. Every Sunday, we sing, pray, partake of the Lord’s Supper, study our Bibles, and take up a collection.

1 Corinthians 14 lays out a healthy relationship between a church of devoted Christians and the visitors investigating the scriptures. Faithful Christians want to base their worship on God's instructions in the Bible. We do so with a sincere love for Christ and each other. At the same time, visitors can then decide whether God is present in this church and if it is a proper place to worship. 

If you would like to ask some questions, great! Just send us a message and we'll get right back to you. Do you have any specific spiritual needs?  Some studies that many have found helpful include the following:

  • Bible Skills – Learn how to read and understand the Bible for yourself.  Lots of fun and very rewarding!
  • God's Plan of Salvation – What does the Bible teach about how to be saved?
  • The New Testament Church - How does God want us to worship Him?
  • If there are other things you would like to study, please ask us.

We are just Christians who make mistakes, as all human beings do. Yet we want to be more like Jesus. Our goal is to help you find Bible verses and information you need to make up your mind about Jesus Christ.